What Happened At The Regenerative Fashion Conference

Whether you are a fashion brand, supplier, fashion professional or individual eager to expand your knowledge and apply the principles of regenerative fashion, the Regenerative Fashion Conference offers an immersive experience where sustainability takes center stage. This dynamic event delves into a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from design innovation, creative processes and legislative considerations to crisis management and the daunting challenges posed by climate change. Participants are invited to reflect on sustainable solutions that can radically change the future of the fashion industry. They will gain practical tips for developing sustainability practices in their organization. In addition, this meeting serves as a platform to foster professional networks, connect with like-minded individuals and leave attendees inspired to effect meaningful change.

A concise summary of the key moments of the conference

Accountability Mechanisms for Sustainability

One resounding message from the conference was the lack of adequate incentives for companies to rectify their irresponsible production practices and deficient waste management systems. To counter this, there was a call to establish accountability mechanisms, especially at the CEO level, to drive change from the top down. The focus on accountability underscored the urgency of making sustainability and responsibility integral to the fashion industry’s DNA.

Reimagining Production Processes

Another key moment at the conference centered around reimagining production processes within the fashion industry. The event advocated for direct collaboration with farmers and supply chain stakeholders, emphasizing the value of involving individuals engaged in growing, spinning, weaving, and garment production. This approach seeks to bridge the gap between fashion’s origin and its consumption, ensuring ethical practices throughout the supply chain.

Design: Harmony with Raw Materials

Design, often at the heart of the fashion industry, played a pivotal role at the conference. Attendees recognized that working in harmony with the raw materials around you is often easy to forget when you’re in the midst of designing. The conference emphasized the need for designers to consider the environmental and ethical implications of their creations. Designers were encouraged to incorporate sustainable and regenerative principles into their work, creating garments that respect and honor the materials from which they are crafted.

Environmental Sustainability and Human Rights

The intersection of environmental sustainability and human rights took center stage at the conference. Speakers delved into the often dehumanizing aspects of the fashion industry, highlighting the urgent need to restore a meaningful connection between consumers and the products they buy. This connection is essential for addressing complex challenges like the debt crisis, climate change, and the living wage imperative.

Embracing “Degrowth”

The concept of “degrowth” emerged as an essential principle for the fashion industry. It emphasized the shared responsibility of both consumers and brands in reducing overproduction. This shift towards responsible consumption and production practices is vital for achieving long-term sustainability and reducing the industry’s environmental footprint.

Moving Away from Fossil Fuels

One of the most passionate calls at the conference was for the cessation of polyester and fossil fuel-derived products. The devastating environmental impact of fossil fuels, particularly within the fashion realm, was emphasized. Attendees urged a bold 89% reduction in fossil fuel utilization to achieve “net zero” emissions and mitigate global warming. The solution lies in transitioning away from virgin fossil fuel-derived materials, such as nylon and polyester fabrics, and seamlessly integrating raw materials into the design process.


The Regenerative Fashion Conference served as a platform for a profound exploration of the multifaceted challenges facing the fashion industry. It underscored the pressing need for a just transition towards a more sustainable and equitable future. The conference’s key moments centered on legislative action, accountability, reimagining production, human rights, “degrowth,” and moving away from fossil fuels—all critical elements in the path towards a regenerative and responsible fashion industry. The resounding message was clear: it’s time for the fashion world to embark on a transformative journey towards sustainability and ethical responsibility.


About Recovo

Recovo creates circular solutions for the fashion industry. We cover various aspects of the circular economy for brands:

Based in Barcelona, we have a global mission with our websites in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, French, dutch, German

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